Monday, September 15, 2014

The $30.000 Condo Con

Back in 2012, the Condo Board, supported by Fox Management, tried to impose a $5,000-$10,000 special assessment, ostensibly for security cameras...despite the fact there was no need for them since there was no crime (as detailed HERE)!
We managed to stop them by sending a flyer detailing the facts of the matter to the unit owners, who protested by e-mail and snail mail, though none actually showed up at the meeting besides M and myself.
The craven cowards of the Board and Fox Management backed down...never officially posting that the matter had been defeated in the Minutes, of course.
The Board and Fox Management then took their wrath out on M and myself with fines based on false and unproven charges along with outrageous legal fees.
We knew that, after we sold our unit and moved out, it was only a matter of time before the Board and Fox Management would try such a sleazy scheme again...
This past weekend, I met up with a current Claremont condo owner who informed me about Mara and the Board's most recent depredation...a $30,000 special assessment, ostensibly for a new boiler!
Without us to organize resistance to the matter, no one spoke up (or probably even showed up) to contest the matter.
Here's an interesting question: Would a new boiler for a 13-unit complex cost $30,000?
Or, is it far less...and someone (Guess who) is pocketing the difference?
Or, is it all a con?
Here's a bit of speculation...
What if the whole "boiler replacement" premise is a sham, and the property manager and Board are using it to mask acquiring a desperately-needed $30,000 cash infusion without explaining the true reasons?
Makes more sense than a special assessment for a boiler that might never be purchased and installed.
Considering only Board member / art therapist Eddie Foss has a key to the Boiler Room, no one else will see if the Boiler has been replaced!
They could say it's been done, even though nothing at all was actually done!
And the money might go to cover shortfalls caused by possible mismanagement or fraud on the part of the Board and management company.
Remember, it's only speculation...but it makes a frightening amount of sense.

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