Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Kangaroo Court 1 "The Saga Begins"

At the previous Board meeting, my wife made the mistake of informing the Board we were putting our unit on the market.
A couple of weeks later, on August 7, 2013, we received the following missive from Mara Hedy Feldman-Fox...
Click to enlarge
Along with the notice was this bill...
Click to enlarge
What's wrong with these pictures?
Under the Illinois Condominium Property Act, specifically Section18.4(l)...
To impose charges for late payment of a unit owner's proportionate share of the common expenses, or any other expenses lawfully agreed upon, and after notice and an opportunity to be heard, to levy reasonable fines for violation of the declaration, by-laws, and rules and regulations of the association.
We were entitled to a hearing (as one-sided as it might be) before imposing a fine!
You'll note there's no such notice in the letter.
Instead, it's automatic presumption of guilt, not even "guilty until proven innocent", since there's no hearing offered!
(The fact the next meeting was several months away, in December, might have something to do with it.)
Did Mara Feldman-Fox expect us to not pay the fine and fight the obviously-ludicrous charges, thereby enabling Fox Management Group and the Board to hit us with a lien for non-payment, which could be jacked-up to a higher amount since we were eager to leave this noxious and offensive enviroment?
If so, they were in for a major disappointment...

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