Thursday, December 11, 2014

Kangaroo Court 2 "The Tale of the Condomimium Property Manager Who Could Not Read a Calendar"

Two weeks after the "violation" letter and invoice as detailed HERE...
..we received this additional invoice.
Notice anything a bit...inaccurate...about the totals?
Look at the "1-30 days past due" column at the bottom.
The $50 fine is listed as "1-30 days past due".
It was sent August 5th, making it due the first of the month (September 1st) as are all assessments.
(Also note, no terms of payment timeframe contradicting that are anywhere on the bill.)
How could a bill dated August 5th be 1-30 days overdue on a bill printed on August 19th (but not received until August 23-24th)?
Another example of the superb mathamatical talents of Mara Hedy Feldman-Fox!

Despite Mara's inability to read a calendar, or send a bill on time (the notice above was received less than ten days before the first of the month, when assessments are due.
It's a standard technique used by credit card companies to create late fees, which Mara Feldman-Fox tried to do to us...but only once.
Because we sent our payments to her via Priority Mail, we were able to show the notice was demonstrably false and she was forced to retract it and apologize in print) we sent payment for all three items before the first of the month as individual checks along with this note...
Enclosed are the payments for...
the monthly assessment
the lawyer's fees for the real estate taxes
the fee for the so-called "violation" to avoid further misuse of your authority as condomimium Property Manager.
Note that because you, Mara Feldman-Fox, violated (ironically) Section 10.4(l) of the Illinois Condominium Property Act, we have reported the matter, using your own documentation, to the appropriate agencies (all four of them) and reserve our right to challenge this egrigious and flagrant violation of the Act.
This prompted a quick response both by mail and e-mail to M at her workplace...
I am corresponding with you on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Claremont Condominium Association.  I am in receipt of your note that was mailed along with the monthly assessment payment, real estate tax appeal payment and the money order for the fine imposed based on B’s violations of the Rules & Regulations previously reported on July 29, 2013 and August 5, 2013.
The Board of Directors has levied a $50 fine which was posted on your account and subsequently paid. 
Per your request, the Board welcomes you to attend the next scheduled Board of Director’s meeting to discuss this behavior and the fee imposed.  The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 18, 2013 (several months later) at 7:00 p.m. at the (usual location over a mile from the condo itself).
...note the after-the-fact attempt to cover her butt, provoking this response from me...
I am corresponding with you at the request of unit owner M.
As pointed out, since you, Mara Feldman-Fox, violated Section 18.4(l) of the Illinois Condominium Property Act, we reported this matter, using your own documentation, to the appropriate agencies (all four of them) and reserve our right to challenge this egrigious and flagrant violation of the Act.
You are assuming it would be at a Board meeting (which, by law, you were supposed to offer us the opportunity to speak at before imposing the fine).
Had you followed the law, you would not be in the position you are in now.
As it is, you failed miserably to do your job and will be held accountable.
We are passing on this after-the-fact attempt to cover-up your failure to the same authorities.
In addition, you were previously specifically-instructed not to contact Mary at her place of employment due to the time, concentration, and labor-intensive nature of her work.
All commmunications were to go through me, just as you wanted all contact with the Board to go through you.
You failed to follow those instructions.
Arbitrarily-disregarding clearly-established instructions and protocols (both by law and mutual agreement) is not proper behavior for a licensed property manager and is being reported as another, separate, case to the authorities, again, using your own documentation and documentation indicating your failure to follow both the Code and mutually-agreed instructions.
(We archive everything between the Board, Fox Management, and ourselves.)
Note: the Board is included in this correspondence since you included them.
I would not have included them otherwise.
I follow the rules, even if you don't, Mara.
I am not the one without honor in this matter.
Any further attempt to contact M at her place of employment will be considered harrassment and reported to the authorities as yet another, seperate, case.
Needless to say...
To Be Continued...

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